Sabtu, 05 September 2009

So much to do,so little time

It makes you wanna say "way to go Captain obvious" doesnt it?

Well it actually describe my situation perfectly i got to study a lot but in just one day ahahaha its called cramming anyway i think every RICS student does it hehehehe just the night before Term test we study like hell :P

HMm udah ahh Ganti topik..

Senin, 20 April 2009

monday night... alone in my room...

hmm...judulnya kayaknya gak enak bgt.. well emang gak enak dan geje -_- knp gw bisa nulis itu .. tau deh hmm even im wondering why am i writing this..

OKAAYY!!!! pembukaan yang gak jelas.. tapi thats what we have been doing in a lot of our spare time Wondering.. or thinking or wadever we may call it thats what we do when we get bored or we dont know what we need to do or what we suppose to do and thats what i find it interesting why most of people like to think too much i honestly when i`m in my bed i think so much about what will i do for my future, what will i become, what will my friends will be, and so on what without knowing i really don`t do much about the result of my thinking  i usually just forget all about it and wonder all over again the next night even when i was at school i wonder like.. gmn gw bisa sampe kayak gini.. got into a great or not so great school have a lot of good friends that i can trust even though i`m a bit annoying.. :P

those kind of think confuse me well i even sometime wondered why there is life? why there is galaxy? why there is anything?? how can we exist? why this world exist?? well i dont want to sounds like a atheist but i really wonder about all those things the biggest Q is why God make us all?? well the bible said so we can manage this world and that`s what i believe to be true still.. IM STILL CURIOUS!! >.<

society today thinks me (read: teenagers) today are (PS:sorry guys&girls)  pathetic,good for nothing and cant be trusted and uncivilized and in need of education.. but i just wanna say as a teenagers WE ARE NOT LIKE THAT FOR GOD SAKE! well we do need guidance but i my self dont like to be put down i really hate it when adults said YOU GUYS ARE JUST A KID! WHAT CAN YOU DO? that a big B.S -_- 

we can do wadever we want if we try like example, many great ideas comes from silly thing, many great guys like newton he figure the law of gravitation by seeing a falling apple.... for god sake ITS A FALLING APPLE!!! O.o 

thats why i just wanna say that curiosity is good well for me that is and we just need to wonder about anything... and all those little things like kace said in her blog :P(advertising ceritanya hahahah) 


Senin, 13 April 2009


wii akhirnya makan juga di pertok setelah sekian lama :P terus disana si guling ngerobekin clananya randy pula -_- hahahah any way hari ini gw di suspension buat 5 hari -_- without any reason... bilangnnya gw telat minggu kmaren padahal kmaren gw gak telat sama sekali.. -_-

Minggu, 12 April 2009


waaah baru inget gw hari ini paskah juga so 
MET PASKAAAAH!!!! may god bless u :P any way hari ini gw baru ajah gereja pas jam 5 selse jam 6 then pas pulang gw baru inget gmn gw bisa pulang.. soo i decide to just walk from my church sekalian gw jogging dikit la hahaha then gw sampe rumah udah tgl iseng iseng maen FB baca komik and chat terus SOMEONE (yang ngerasa jgn geer ya) bilang ke gw bikin blog donk jadi yaudah gw bikin la ni blog wkwkw :P

baru buat neh!!

hahaha maap org org yang baca ni blog gw cuman nulis hal hal mulai dari yang kecil ampe yang gede  yang geje geje juga deh :P